What is Accident Forgiveness Car Insurance


If you have ever been involved in an accident, your car insurance rate will likely increase afterwards. The fortunate thing is that many insurance companies offer a policy benefit known as accident forgiveness. What is Accident Forgiveness car insurance, and how does it apply to you?

Accident forgiveness car insurance is an attribute that prevents your insurance premiums from increasing at renewal if you have been involved in an at-fault accident. It costs an extra fee to add to your car insurance policy and requires you to have a clean driving record for many years before you can opt-in for a car forgiveness feature.

What is Accident Forgiveness Car Insurance?

Accident Forgiveness is an optional benefit offered by many car insurance companies. When you have this feature, your insurer won’t penalize you with higher premiums after your first at-fault accident. It’s a way to give drivers peace of mind, knowing that one mistake won’t lead to significant financial consequences. This feature is particularly beneficial for drivers who have maintained a good driving record but are concerned about the possibility of making a future error.

Typically, car insurance premiums increase when a driver is found at fault in an accident. Insurance companies calculate rates based on the likelihood that a policyholder will file a claim in the future. If you’ve been involved in an at-fault accident, your risk factor increases in the eyes of insurers, and they adjust your premiums accordingly. Accident Forgiveness provides an exception to this rule by allowing your insurance rates to remain stable even after an accident.

According to Bankrate, if you are involved in an at-fault accident, even if the accident was forgiven with your current insurance company, a new insurance company will see the at-fault accident record on your CLUE report and is likely to add an increase in your insurance rate if the accident is within three to six years.

How Does Accident Forgiveness Work?

Accident Forgiveness varies depending on the insurance provider, but the general idea is the same: the first at-fault accident won’t impact your premiums. However, there are often eligibility criteria and conditions that must be met for Accident Forgiveness to apply.

For instance, many insurance companies require drivers to maintain a clean driving record for a certain number of years before they qualify for Accident Forgiveness. This could mean no at-fault accidents, no major traffic violations, and no other claims filed during that time. Essentially, the insurer wants to see that you are generally a safe driver and that the accident was an exception rather than a pattern of risky behavior.

In some cases, Accident Forgiveness is automatically included in a car insurance policy, while other times, it must be purchased as an add-on or endorsement. If you’re unsure whether your policy includes this feature, it’s a good idea to ask your insurer or check the details of your policy documents.

It’s important to note that Accident Forgiveness typically applies to only the first at-fault accident. If you cause another accident after using your Accident Forgiveness, your rates are likely to increase. Additionally, some insurance companies may impose restrictions based on the severity of the accident, meaning that if the damages or costs are particularly high, Accident Forgiveness might not apply.

Who Can Benefit from Accident Forgiveness?

Accident Forgiveness is especially beneficial for drivers who have managed to maintain a good driving record over the years. Imagine being a safe driver who follows the rules of the road, only to have an unfortunate moment where you accidentally cause an accident. Without Accident Forgiveness, your premiums could rise sharply, even though you’ve been a responsible driver up to that point.

Drivers with families may also find Accident Forgiveness to be valuable, especially if they have teenage drivers on their policy. Teens are statistically more likely to be involved in accidents due to their lack of experience, and having Accident Forgiveness can help mitigate the financial impact of an accident caused by a young driver.

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How to Get Accident Forgiveness

Firstly, you need to check if your insurance company is offering an accident forgiveness program because not all companies offer it. In some insurer cases, the accident forgiveness policy is added to your insurance coverage for free. This usually happens when you have used an insurer for the long term and you have a clean driving record.

For some insurance companies, accident forgiveness insurance is only available through endorsement of your policy. It will be available for you at an additional cost only if you qualify for it. If you are deliberating adding this to your policy, it is best that you contact your insurance representative or a licensed agent, who can walk you through the nit-gritty of the policy and its benefits.

How to Get Accident Forgiveness for Free?

Some companies offer accident forgiveness to their customers for free. Some of this companies that offer the program at no cost charge to reward loyal customers include:

  • Progressive: Progressive car insurance forgives small accidents that cost less than $500 in damages. This is an option available for customers in its loyalty program. However, this program is only available in a few states. How does it work? If you have been buying insurance coverage with the company for five years, Progressive will forgive your first car accident with damage of over $500 for customers in the loyalty program.
  • Erie: If you have been able to maintain a clean driving record and have been a customer with Erie for three years, Erie will automatically forgive your first accident.

The Cost of Accident Forgiveness

While Accident Forgiveness can save you money in the long run by preventing rate hikes, there may be a cost associated with adding this feature to your policy. Some insurance companies offer it as a free perk for drivers who qualify, while others charge an additional premium for the benefit.

The cost of Accident Forgiveness may also depend on factors like your driving history, the number of drivers on your policy, and the type of vehicle you drive. If you’re considering adding this feature, it’s worth discussing with your insurance agent to understand the cost and whether it makes sense for your situation.

In many cases, the added premium for Accident Forgiveness is small compared to the potential increase in your rates after an at-fault accident. For example, if adding Accident Forgiveness to your policy costs an extra $50 per year, that’s a small price to pay compared to the hundreds or even thousands of dollars you might save if you’re involved in an accident.

Is Accident Forgiveness Worth Additional Cost?

The average national premium cost for drivers who are at fault in an accident is $954 per year, according to NerdWallet analysis. Also, each insurance company’s rate differs; some companies charge more than others. To get a good accident forgiveness rate, no matter what your record is, it is very important that you compare the car insurance rates.

Which Car Insurance Providers Offer Accident Forgiveness?

There are many car insurance that provide accident forgiveness. Top insurance providers offer these features. However, the way each insurance company operates is very different based on the streets in which it is in operation. Therefore, some insurance companies may not provide accident forgiveness in every state or to all individuals seeking accident forgiveness programs. Below is the list of insurers that offer the program.

Company Accident Forgiveness Criteria
Allstate With this feature, your insurance rate will not increase after a single at-fault accident. You can contact a local Allstate agent to see if you qualify.
Progressive Progressive is one of the few insurers that automatically adds accident forgiveness to car policies in most states. It offers two types of accident forgiveness. Small accident forgiveness is if your claim is less than $500, and large accident forgiveness is if your claim is above $500. The accident forgiveness policy amount for either of the programs depends on how long you have been with Progressive. You can also buy the program.
GEICO GEICO may provide free accident forgiveness if you have maintained a clean driving record. If you have been offered a free policy, you will receive a notification of the accident forgiveness reward. Alternatively, you can purchase coverage if you qualify for it.
Erie Erie offers accident forgiveness to drivers who have been involved in a first at-fault accident. But, this is only available to loyal customers who have been with Erie for three or more years.
Travellers Travelers offers accident forgiveness by buying one of the Travelers Responsible Driver Plans or by buying the accident forgiveness policy directly.
Liberty Mutual Liberty Mutual provides accident forgiveness to drivers with no history of accidents or violations within the last five years.

Does Accident Forgiveness Impact Insurance Across the Board?

It’s important to understand that Accident Forgiveness doesn’t erase the accident from your driving record. The accident will still be noted in your insurance history, and other insurers may consider it if you switch companies. If you decide to change insurance providers after an accident, your new insurer could increase your rates because they may not offer Accident Forgiveness, or they may not apply it to accidents that occurred under a different company’s coverage.

This is one of the reasons why it’s important to review the details of your car insurance policy carefully and consider the long-term benefits of features like Accident Forgiveness before switching providers. If your current insurer offers Accident Forgiveness and you’ve used it to avoid a rate increase, switching to a new provider could expose you to higher premiums based on your accident history.

Is Accident Forgiveness Worth It?

For many drivers, Accident Forgiveness offers valuable peace of mind, particularly for those who have maintained a good driving record but are concerned about the financial impact of an unexpected accident. If you’ve invested time and effort in being a safe driver, it can be incredibly frustrating to have your premiums increase because of a one-time mistake. Accident Forgiveness acts as a financial safety net, allowing you to avoid the penalty of higher rates for your first at-fault accident.

However, whether it’s worth adding Accident Forgiveness to your policy depends on several factors, such as your driving habits, history, and the cost of the feature. If you are a cautious driver or only use your car sparingly, the chances of being involved in an accident may be low. In that case, the extra cost for Accident Forgiveness may not be necessary.

On the other hand, if you drive frequently, have multiple drivers on your policy, or are concerned about unexpected accidents, the small premium for this coverage could save you from a significant rate hike in the future.

Additionally, families with young or inexperienced drivers may find that Accident Forgiveness is particularly useful. Teenage drivers, in particular, are statistically more likely to be involved in accidents due to their inexperience, and having this feature could help protect against sudden increases in insurance premiums.

What to Watch Out For

While Accident Forgiveness is a great feature, there are a few things to be aware of:

  • Limits on Use: Accident Forgiveness typically only applies to your first at-fault accident. If you’re involved in multiple accidents, the forgiveness may not extend to subsequent incidents.
  • Accident Still on Record: Even though your rates may not increase with Accident Forgiveness, the accident will still appear on your driving record. If you switch insurance providers, the new company may consider that accident when calculating your premium.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Many insurers require a clean driving history before offering Accident Forgiveness. If you’ve had accidents or violations in the recent past, you may not be eligible for this feature until you’ve built up a safer record.
  • Provider-Specific Rules: Each insurance company has different rules regarding Accident Forgiveness. Some include it automatically, while others offer it as an optional add-on. It’s essential to review your specific insurer’s guidelines to ensure you understand when and how the feature applies.


Before deciding whether Accident Forgiveness is right for you, it’s important to consider your driving habits, the cost of adding this feature, and your overall risk level. For many drivers, particularly those with clean records or families with young drivers, it can offer essential financial relief when needed most. However, it’s important to review the terms and conditions of the policy carefully and understand the limitations, including how it might impact your coverage if you switch providers.


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