What Business Can I Start with 150k in Nigeria?


What Business Can I Start with 150k in Nigeria? Are you looking for a small business that you can start with 150k in Nigeria? There are many businesses that you can start with 150k, and in this article, we will be exploring some of the best business ideas to start with 150k in Nigeria. 

Starting a business in Nigeria with 150,000 Naira is indeed challenging, but with the right mindset, dedication, and strategic planning, it’s entirely feasible. Choose a business idea that aligns with your skills and interests, conduct thorough market research, and be prepared to adapt and evolve as you navigate the dynamic business landscape of Nigeria.

What Business Can I Start with 150k in Nigeria?

Nigeria, with its vibrant economy and burgeoning population, presents numerous opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. If you find yourself equipped with a budget of one hundred and fifty thousand Naira, you’re in a prime position to embark on a journey towards financial independence. Without wasting much time, let’s get started on finding you a business idea to start with 150k in Nigeria.

Best Business Ideas in Nigeria with 150k

There are various business ideas to start with 150k; below are some;

1. Poultry Farming

One of the best businesses in Nigeria I’d recommend to anyone looking to start a business with a 150k is poultry farming. Investing in poultry farming is a viable option with 150k. Plus, you can start small by purchasing a few chicks, quality feed, and basic equipment. As the poultry business is in high demand in Nigeria, with proper management, you can expect good returns.

2. Fish Farming

Similar to poultry farming, fish farming is a lucrative venture. You can allocate your budget to construct fish ponds, buy fingerlings, and invest in quality fish feed. The demand for fresh fish is consistently high, making it a sustainable business option for anyone looking to start a business. This is likely one of my favourite options.

3. Mobile Food Vendor

If you’re a good cook, then consider starting a mobile food business, serving breakfast or lunch to busy professionals in office areas or students around educational institutions. Invest in a clean and mobile food cart and focus on providing delicious and affordable meals. This is currency one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria, and with a maximum of 150k, you should be able to start.

4. Soap and Detergent Production

With a relatively low capital investment, you can venture into the production of soaps and detergents. Purchase raw materials in bulk, learn the production process, and distribute your products to local markets or retailers.

5. Fashion Retail (Online/Offline)

Another highly recommended business to venture into is fashion. Invest in trendy, affordable fashion items and start a small retail business. You can sell your products online through social media platforms or open a physical store in a strategic location. Before starting, focus on understanding your target market and providing fashionable yet affordable clothing options.

6. Event Planning

If you have organizational skills and a knack for creativity, event planning could be a profitable business. Allocate your budget for marketing materials, a basic website, and networking opportunities. As you gain experience, your business can expand to cover a wider range of events.

7. Freelance Services

Got any tech skills? Leverage your skills in writing, graphic design, web development, or digital marketing to offer freelance services. Invest in a professional online presence, and use your initial capital to enhance your skills or purchase necessary software.

8. Car Wash Services

Investing in a car wash business can be a lucrative venture, especially in urban areas where everybody is busy and hardly has time to do laundry by themselves. Allocate funds for a water source, cleaning equipment, and promotional activities to attract customers.

9. Snack Production

If you have ever asked, “What business can I start with 150k in Nigeria?” then you should consider producing and selling snacks like chin-chin, plantain chips, or popcorn. With an amount of 150k, purchase ingredients in bulk, focus on quality, and explore different packaging options. This business can be run from home, minimizing overhead costs. 

10. Dropshipping

Another business idea I would recommend is dropshipping. This business is easy to start. However, it takes some time for things to go as you want. It involves selling products to customers without holding a physical inventory. If you’re planning to venture into Dropshipping, then check out Spocket.


Embarking on a business venture with a budget of 150k in Nigeria is not only possible but also filled with numerous opportunities to explore. The key is to choose a business idea that aligns with your interests, skills, and the needs of your target market.

With dedication, strategic planning, and hard work, you can turn a modest investment into a successful and sustainable business in Nigeria. We hope this article answered your question “What business can I start with one hundred and fifty thousand naira in Nigeria?” question. Let us know what you think about this post in the comment section below.

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