Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Termites?


Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Termites? If you have clicked on this post to find answers to this question, you’re in luck.

Homeowners insurance is essential for protecting your home against various risks, but does it cover termite damage? Termites can cause significant damage to your property, leading to costly repairs.

This comprehensive guide will explore whether homeowners insurance covers termite damage, the signs of termite infestation, prevention methods, and what to do if you discover termite damage in your home. So, ensure you read to the end.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Termites?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Termites?

Unfortunately, homeowners insurance typically does not cover termite damage. Most standard policies consider termite infestations and the resulting damage as preventable maintenance issues rather than sudden, accidental events like fire or theft. Therefore, homeowners are generally responsible for the cost of termite treatment and repairs.

Exceptions to the Rule

While termite damage itself is generally not covered, there are some scenarios where your homeowners’ insurance might help:

  • Secondary Damage: If termites cause damage that leads to a covered peril, such as a fire or collapse, the resulting damage might be covered. For example, if termites chew through electrical wiring and cause a fire, the fire damage could be covered under your policy.
  • Named Perils Policy: If you have a named perils policy that explicitly lists termites as a covered peril, then you might have coverage. However, such policies are rare and usually more expensive.
  • Add-Ons and Endorsements: Some insurers offer endorsements or add-ons to standard policies that provide coverage for termite damage. These come at an additional cost and must be explicitly included in your policy.

Signs of Termite Infestation

It’s essential to be vigilant for signs of termite infestation to prevent extensive damage to your home. Common signs of termite activity include;

  • Hollow-sounding wood: Termites tunnel through wood, leaving it hollow and weakened.
  • Discarded wings: Reproductive termites, known as swarmers, shed their wings after mating, leaving behind discarded wings near windowsills and light fixtures.
  • Mud tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes along the foundation of your home to provide moisture and protection as they travel between the soil and wood.
  • Frass: Termite droppings, or frass, resemble tiny wood pellets and may accumulate near infested areas.
  • Sagging floors or ceilings: Severe termite damage can weaken the structural components of your home, leading to sagging floors or ceilings.

What Should I do if I Find Termites in my Home?

If you discover termites in your home, addressing the infestation promptly is important. Contact a licensed pest control company to assess the extent of the damage and develop a treatment plan to eliminate the termites and prevent future infestations.

Prevention Methods

While homeowners insurance may not cover termite damage, taking preventive measures can greatly reduce the risk of infestations and protect your home. Here are some effective prevention methods you can implement:

Schedule regular inspections

It’s important to have your home inspected regularly by a professional pest control company for signs of termite activity. Consider scheduling inspections annually or biannually to catch any potential issues early.

Maintain proper drainage

Termites are attracted to moisture, so it’s essential to ensure that your home’s exterior has adequate drainage to prevent water from accumulating near the foundation. Make sure gutters are clean, and downspouts direct water away from the house.

Remove wood-to-soil contact

Termites can easily access your home through direct contact between wooden structures and soil. To prevent this, maintain a clearance of at least 6 inches between any wooden elements of your home and the soil. This includes decks, fences, and landscaping timbers.

Seal cracks and openings.

Seal any cracks or gaps in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof to deny termites entry points into your property. Use caulk or sealant to fill in gaps around pipes, wires, and utility lines where termites could potentially enter.

Use termite-resistant materials

When building or renovating your home, opt for materials that are naturally resistant to termites or treated to repel them. Pressure-treated wood, composite materials, and steel framing are all good options for reducing the risk of termite damage.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of termite infestations and protect your home from costly damage.

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What to Do If You Discover Termite Damage

If you suspect or discover termite damage in your home, take the following steps;

  • Contact a pest control professional: Seek assistance from a licensed pest control company to assess the extent of the infestation and develop a treatment plan.
  • Document the damage: Take photographs or videos of the termite damage to provide evidence for your insurance company or for future reference.
  • Obtain repair estimates: Obtain estimates from reputable contractors for repairing the termite damage to your home.
  • Review your insurance policy: While homeowners insurance typically does not cover termite damage, review your policy to understand your coverage and any potential exceptions.

Are there any exceptions where homeowners insurance might cover termite damage?

In rare cases, homeowners insurance policies may provide coverage for termite damage if it is deemed to be the result of a sudden and unexpected event, such as a tree falling on the home and causing termite activity. However, these situations are typically rare and subject to specific policy terms and conditions.

What should I do if I find termites in my home?

If you discover termites in your home, addressing the infestation promptly is important. Contact a licensed pest control company to assess the extent of the damage and develop a treatment plan to eliminate the termites and prevent future infestations.

Alternative Solutions

Given that homeowners insurance is unlikely to cover termite damage, consider these alternatives to protect your home and finances:

Termite Bonds

Some pest control companies offer termite bonds, which are contracts that include regular inspections and treatment for a set period. These bonds typically guarantee that the company will perform periodic inspections and apply necessary treatments to prevent or control termite infestations. If termites do cause damage during the bond period, the company may cover the cost of additional treatments or repairs. Termite bonds can provide a layer of security and ensure professional oversight in keeping your home termite-free.

Home Warranty Plans

Certain home warranty plans might include coverage for pest damage, including termites. These plans often cover the repair or replacement of home systems and appliances that fail due to normal wear and tear. However, some plans extend their coverage to include structural damage caused by pests. It’s essential to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions of these plans, as coverage varies widely among providers. Investing in a comprehensive home warranty plan that includes pest coverage can offer peace of mind and financial protection.

Personal Savings

Creating a dedicated savings fund for home maintenance and unexpected repairs is a proactive approach to managing the financial impact of termite damage. Regularly setting aside money in this fund ensures that you have the resources available to address termite issues promptly. This can help avoid the stress of large, unexpected expenses and allows for timely interventions to minimize damage. Consider budgeting for annual termite inspections and potential treatments as part of your home maintenance routine.

Additional Preventive Measures

Beyond these financial alternatives, you can take further steps to safeguard your home:

  • Invest in Professional-Grade Products: Consider using professional-grade termite prevention products around your home’s perimeter.
  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself about the signs of termite activity and stay vigilant.
  • Community Programs: Some communities offer local pest control programs or subsidies for termite prevention. Check with your local government or homeowners association for any available resources.

By combining these financial strategies with preventive measures, you can enhance your home’s defense against termites and reduce the risk of costly damage.


While standard homeowners insurance typically does not cover termite damage, understanding your policy and taking preventive measures can help protect your home. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and exploring additional coverage options like endorsements or termite bonds can provide peace of mind. Stay proactive to keep your home termite-free and ensure you are prepared for any potential issues that arise.


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