How to Get Your Product Sold on Amazon


Having an online store with Amazon is a great way for you to put your products out there and sell them. Luckily, the goal of this post is to tackle how to get your product sold on Amazon, so keep reading to learn more.

Selling on Amazon is very easy, yes, but does it end there? I mean, will you just post or list your product for sale, and it will be sold? Well, Amazon doesn’t work only by listing or posting. To get your product sold on the marketplace giant, you need to strategize because there is likely a lot of competition. But don’t worry, we have got you covered.

How to Get Your Product Sold on Amazon


Whether you already have an eCommerce business, a new product idea, or just starting, here’s how to get your product sold on Amazon. Use the steps below;


How to Sell Your Products

One thing is deciding what to sell, and another is making the move and eventually making a sale. With the steps that will be listed below, trust you’ll be on your way to making sales on the marketplace giant.

Step 1: Choose A Selling Plan

Before you start selling on Amazon, you must first decide which selling plan you want to use. The platform offers two types of plans for sellers to choose from: Individual and professional. Amazon’s individual seller plan is a pay-as-you-go platform that gives you access to basic listing and order management tools. As a seller, you don’t pay a fee unless Amazon sells your item.

On the other hand, the Professional plan is a monthly subscription service offering different tools and benefits. The benefits of the professional plan include Amazon Marketplace Web Service, advanced business reports, customizable shipping options and rates, and top placement on detailed pages. The number of products you’d like to sell a month on Amazon will determine the seller plan type to use.

Step 2: Decide On A Selling Strategy

It is important to consider planning the strategy you’d like to use. You can find popular products that already exist and offer them as a reseller. Or manufacture your own products or source goods to sell under a private label as a brand owner.

Whatever method you think will work for you, go for it. There are many resources and tools that you can use if you plan to sell as your own brand.

Step 3: Create A Seller Account On Amazon

Creating a seller account is important for using your business. Before you proceed to create a business account on Amazon, ensure you have the following;

  • Business email address or customer account.
  • Internationally chargeable credit card.
  • Government ID
  • Tax Information
  • Phone number and a bank account.

If the above information is available, you can proceed to create your Amazon seller account at

Step 4: Choose Your Fulfillment Option

There are different fulfilment options you can pick from on Amazon. The do-it-yourself option is known as FBM or FBA where Amazon will handle packaging and shipping. As a beginner starting out on Amazon, it is essential to decide the fulfilment type you want. Before listing your products, ensure you can the necessary findings and decide how you want your store to be.

Step 5: List Your Product

Finally, when you have strategized and decided on what fulfilment option you’d like to use, then you can list your product for sale. Keep in mind that the information you put on your product page will help you sell your product and encourage shoppers to purchase from you.

For better chances on the platform, list your products in the right category, use a catching title, write a clear description, and upload quality images of the product.

Step 6: Promote Your Listings

Promoting your products or listings is such an underrated method, but it brings worthy results. Now that you have listed your products on the marketplace, what is next? Amazon is a marketplace giant with many businesses and product listings, so how do you stand out, especially as a new seller? Promoting your products is the way forward. Once you have listed your products, the next thing to do is promote them. You can advertise your productions as there are many advertising options or strategies on the platform.

Step 7: Get Reviews

Yes! You made your first sale, but does it end there? The answer is NO. Sitting back because you have made a sale is not what you should do; instead, study the numbers and focus on feedback for continuous growth and sales. Keep with Amazon’s seller metrics, as this helps you get valuable insights on what you’re doing right or wrong. It helps you make adjustments and corrections for bigger sales opportunities.

Manage the reviews you get from customers as well. Interact with your customers when they leave feedback and reviews. Truth is, many prospective buyers go through a business’s or seller’s reviews before proceeding to make a purchase. Respond to both positive and negative reviews on products to build trust and accountability. Ask for feedback from your customers.


Now, you know how to get your product sold on Amazon, so go ahead and make some money from your home. With the right implementations and tools, your product will be added to the giant marketplace, and before you know it, boom, your first customer. We hope you find our post on how to get your product sold on Amazon helpful.

Here is another guide on how you can sell your products on the marketplace giant and make your first sale. What do you think about this post? How long have you been selling on Amazon? Please let’s hear your answers and thoughts in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most profitable way to sell on Amazon?

The best and easiest way to make more money selling on Amazon is through private label sales with the FBA network. The majority of the sellers on the platform run their businesses using the private label method.

Is it worth it to sell on Amazon as an individual?

Absolutely! You can sell on Amazon as an individual and make a profit.

Is selling on Amazon free?

Amazon is free to use for selling. Nevertheless, there are two selling plans you can choose from. Individual and Professional.

Does Amazon take a cut of what you sell?

Depending on your agreement with the marketplace, yes.

Is Amazon FBA a good side hustle?

Absolutely! If you’re looking to make extra income from home, Amazon FBA is a good way.


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